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Solo Championship Series

Solo Championship Series Rules, effective 12/4/2022:

1.  Individuals will compete in one of three different classes:  Novice ("N" suffix), Ladies ("L" suffix); or Open (standard SCCA class abbreviations). Each competitor must choose one of these three classes at each event. Series points are awarded based upon an individual's finishing position according to the PAX/RTP index value for the base class in which the individual is running.  For example,  A Street Prepared (ASP) is the base class for ASPN and ASPL. These three classes all share the same PAX/RTP index for ASP in determining class standings.  For current PAX/RTP values and an explanation of how the PAX/RTP index works, go here.
Novice Class is open to all participants who have competed in fewer than 4 Solo, Autocross, Track Sprint, Time Trials, or other comparable motorsports events.  Drivers eligible as a Novice at any point in a Solo Championship Series remain eligible for the remainder of the competition series and may compete for the series Novice Class Championship, but are not required to participate in Novice Cass.
Ladies Class is an inclusive and welcoming class, but is not open to men.
Open Class includes all SCCA National Championship Classes and Appendix B Supplementary classes.  No other supplementary classes will be offered.  All event participants will be awarded Open Class points based on overall finish, including participants entered in Novice Class and Ladies Class. If Novices elect to participate in Ladies Class, Ladies Class Championship points will be retroactively updated to award appropriate points in both Novice and Ladies classes.
2.  Regional Championship Series awards are determined by the sum of a competitor's best points finishes for the events  of the Series, with the number of summed events determined by the number of events in the Series.  For Open Class and Ladies Classes: Best 2 of 2, best 2 of 3, best 3 of 4, best 3 of 5, best 4 of 6, best 5 of 7, best 6 of 8, best 7 of 9, or best 8 of 10.  Weekend events utilizing different courses will be considered two events for Championship Series points purposes, even if special event trophies are awarded based on the weekend as a single event. All competitors entered in Novice and Ladies classes will also earn points for Open class based on overall standings. Points will be awarded for each class based on 1975 NASCAR points (175 points for a first-place finish).  Due to the unique characteristics of Novice participation, with many participants not beginning competition until later in the season, and skills often improving significantly over a season, Novice Class points will be based on the best 2 events for 2, 3, or 4-event series or best 3 for longer event series. At the Solo Committee's discretion, the tie breaker will be the best Open Class points finishes by the Novice competitors, with consideration to the order of finish in the final events in which both Novices participated.  Note: This includes finishes in any series event in which the Novice is eligible for Novice Class, but voluntarily elects to run Open Class.

2023 Special Note: Due to uncertainty regarding site acquisition, the 2023 Solo Championship Series provisionally included a number of joint events with NCR-SCCA and VMSC.  These events were intended to comprise a complete competition series if ODR-SCCA was unable to schedule new events.  They will be considered as ODR-SCCA events and will contribute towards ODR-SCCA Championship Series points if a complete series of at least five ODR-SCCA sanctioned Championship Series Autocross events is not completed. Due to these special circumstances and distances involved for many of these events, ODR-SCCA will recognize two weekends (4 drops) if NCR-SCCA events are included for our championship series. For the March 26 NCR-SCCA event at Cherry Point where some drivers were unable to take all afternoon runs due to thunderstorm activity, only morning runs will count for Open and Novice classes, but all scored runs will count for Ladies class.
3.  Regional Championship Series Trophies will be awarded for Open, Ladies and Novice classes as follows:  three trophies for three to nine entrants; and one additional trophy for every four additional entrants or fraction thereof to a maximum of 10 trophies. The number of trophies in each of the classes will be based upon the average participation for the Series. 

Past Solo Champions

2022 - Steve Fehr     2021 - Jeremiah Thomas  2020 - Jeremiah Thomas
2019 - Steve Fehr    2018 - Steve Fehr   
2017 - Steve Fehr   
2016 - Andrew Carr    2015 - Steve Fehr     
2014 - Rusty English 
2013 - Jeff Rooney    2012 - Jeff Rooney   
2011 - Jacin Lisner   
2010 - Jacin Lisner    2009 - Bobby Smith   
2008 - Robb Davis   
2007 - Jim Haltom   2006 - David Martin   
2005 - Jacin Lisner   
2004 - Michael Harris   2003 - Jeff Chenery   
2002 - Ed Raymundo   
2001 - Dale Blankenship   2000 - Eric Bonnett

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© 2023 Old Dominion Region of the SCCA.  Go Fast And Enjoy The Thrill!

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