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Rules & Site Regulations

The Drivers Meeting is mandatory for all drivers. 

If you can't make the 10 A.M. Drivers Meeting because of work requirements or extended traveling distance to Hampton Roads, notify the Solo chair ahead of time to get his permission to arrive late.  (We have to arrange a separate briefing for you before you can run.)  Otherwise, don't bother coming out to the event because you won't run!

Drivers are cautioned to exercise the "two-foot" rule while out on course. 
Simply stated, if your car starts to break loose during a run, put one foot on the clutch and the other foot on the brake.  Both feet go to the floorboard simultaneously until you regain control of your vehicle.  (If you have an automatic transmission, both feet go on the brake and then to the floorboard.)  If you are out of control on the course, you will be red-flagged and lose your run!  

No hot-dogging (intentional donuts, burnouts, drifting, etc.) allowed at any time during the event! 
Violators will lose their runs and/or be asked to leave the event.  Habitual offenders will be denied entry to future events.  Safety is paramount at Solo events due to the close proximity of vehicles and people on the course.

No methanol or nitrous oxide allowed! 
If you have nitrous oxide or methanol injection installed in your car, leave the bottle at home if you want to run. You may run distilled water in place of methanol, but may not be a water-methanol mixture.

If you are red-flagged, come to an immediate stop off of the course's driving line.
You may be leaking fluids, have a mechanical defect, there may be a timing malfunction, or course workers out on the course itself.  Wait for a course worker to come out and tell you what the problem is before returning to the staging area.  If the problem is not your fault, you will get a rerun.  Otherwise, you will lose that run and not allowed to run again until the problem is corrected.

In the case of inclement weather or environmental conditions, the Solo Safety Steward (SSS) and/or the Event Steward must red flag the event under the following circumstances:

     - Fog or swirling dust precludes observation of any vehicle while on course by the SSS

     - Standing water (snow, hailstones, ice, etc.) on course presents a severe hydroplaning risk

     - Lightning within 5 miles in the past 30 minutes.

The red flag will remain in effect until the inclement weather or environmental conditions that caused the red flag have passed.  With lighting, a half hour must pass without any strikes within 5 miles of the event.
Course workers
You are not allowed to take pictures/shoot movies/talk on cell phones while working on the course.  No sitting or lounging at worker stations is allowed.  A minimum of two-course workers per station is required at all times.  One course worker must hold the red flag unfurled in one hand and the radio in the other.   Anyone desiring to go on course to take pictures/shoot movies must first check-in with the SSS and receive permission to go on course.  (The course is defined as any area outside the spectator viewing area, paddock, and grid.)  You must provide your own "spotter" to escort you at all times while on course.

Loaner helmets 
Available at the start of each heat.  You must provide an ID in exchange for a helmet.  Drivers have first priority for helmets over passengers.  Please treat our loaner helmets with care.  If you break it, you own it!

On-line pre-registration system for car numbers opens approximately two weeks prior to the Solo event and closes at 12 noon the Friday before the event.  Pre-registration is a privilege, not a right.  If you abused the privilege by signing up and not showing without notifying the Region, you may find your privilege revoked and your numbers re-assigned at future events.

Registration and tech will typically open at 8:30 A.M. and close at 9:30 A.M. the day of the event.  Anyone in line when registration closes will be processed. If you show up at registration after registration has closed and you haven't made prior arrangements with us, you will be charged a $10 surcharge for late registration and late Tech. 

ODR-SCCA recognizes all SCCA national classes, CAM classes, XS classes, Club Sport classes, SST, and FSAE for full eligibility for regional competition for Open, Ladies, and Novices classes using the PAX/RTP index. Heritage Classic is  available as a non-indexed exhibition class.

Correct classification is the driver's responsibility per the Solo rule book, but staff may assist competitors with classing. All competitors are eligible to protest. The authority to reclassify misclassed vehicles is delegated to T&S during the event, with consent of the vehicle's driver. The Chief of Timing and Scoring may unilaterally re-classify an inadvertently misclassified vehicle without penalty until event results are published. The Solo Committee may retroactively reclassify a misclassed vehicle at any point until season points are finalized, and may appoint a protest committee to determine if penalties are appropriate.

Insurance Waiver
You must read & sign the insurance waiver to be allowed entry to the event if you are 18 or older.  Those under 18 must have either an Annual Minor Release on file with the region or have one filled out by both parents/legal guardians to participate as a driver (or passenger during fun runs).  Minors do not need an Annual Minor Release Waiver to view the event, but cannot participate nor venture into any "hot" areas, i.e., the course, grid, T&S, etc.).

Heat Selections 
Heat assignments will be based on car number, with specific breakdown and assignments determined by the Chief of Workers: Heat assignments will begin ordinally with the lowest number car in first heat, and continue to the highest number car in the last heat.  This permits competitors to request via car number whether they wish to run early or late. Late registrations and late changes will be assigned as needed by the Chief of Workers to accommodate key work assignments.  Staff will attempt to accommodate special requests for heat assignments if circumstances warrant, but requests made with the intent of avoiding forecast weather are considered unsportsmanlike. It is expected that regular participants will remain consistent with heat selection, regardless of weather. 

Heat assignments will be posted as soon as possible following registration closing. 

Multiple-Driver Cars
For 2023, ODR-SCCA is running short heats that do not permit sufficient time for the required 5 minutes between drivers.  Codrivers will be assigned different heats, and specific work heats. Drivers must work the heat they were assigned.

If heat and work assignments permit, dual-drivers will be given a choice:

1. Each driver may take all their runs in the heat they were assigned.

2. Two drivers without conflicting work assignments may elect to combine their two drive heats into a single double-length heat, switching drivers every other run. 
Tech Inspection of Vehicle 
Tech opens at 8:30 A.M. and closes at 9:30 A.M. period. Please get your car inspected prior to walking the course. If you miss your Tech inspection, you cannot run.

The course will be available for walking after 8:30 A.M.  There will be no parades laps or drive-thrus.  The course closes at 10:00 A.M. or when the Drivers Meeting starts.  The course will be re-opened for last-minute walking after the end of the second heat for a five minute period.  Double cones on a gate indicate that the driver will pass thru that gate twice during the period of one run.  Triple cones mean that the driver will pass thru that gate three times during a single run.

Grid Requirements 
ODR runs 15-20 car heats.  Heat Three drivers work the first heat, Heat Four drivers work the second heat, Heat One drivers work the third heat, and Heat Two drivers work the fourth heat.  Every driver must work to receive any timed runs or points for that event!  If you make a habit of not working, you won't be allowed to participate in our events!

Starters will stage each car with at least one of its front wheels centered between the starting line pylons.
If you need to chirp your tires to clean off rocks/debris, wait until you leave the helmet area to do so!  Don't use the grid or paddock area for this task!  If you smoke your tires while cleaning them off, you lose your run!  (See "hot-dogging" under the Safety heading!)

Passengers are allowed on competition runs under the following rules:  (1) No one younger than 12 years old may ride as a passenger unless that individual is at least 57 inches tall (Solo Rule Book).  (2) Passengers under the age of 18 must have an Annual minor release waiver signed by both parents or legal guardian(s) on file with the regional Chief of Waivers.  (Forms are available at the front gate.)  (3)  Taking passengers is encouraged, and competitors may ride with other competitors. Experienced competitors are encouraged to ride with less experienced competitors and assist them.  Less experienced competitors are encouraged to ride with mode experienced competitors to learn from them. Improving general autocross skills by these means is not considered to be an unfair advantage if made available to all competitors: it is the duty of each competitor to exhibit good sportsmanship. (4) Passengers must keep their heads and arms inside the vehicle during the run as a safety precaution in case of a rollover.  (5)  Passengers must wear an approved helmet and be belted/strapped in at all times.  Filming or photographing during the run with hand-held cameras, cell phones, or video recorders is prohibited.

Passengers that are not registered as drivers and are not SCCA members must report to registration to fill out information for an SCCA Weekend membership for insurance coverage purposes. 
Each driver will receive 4-6 timed runs.   If a driver is red-flagged during a run for conditions not under the control of the driver, is forced to stop for an unsafe condition, stops for a cone that has not been properly reset, or timing problems prevent proper scoring, the driver will be granted a rerun. Cone penalties will not carry over to the next run. The driver will not be granted a rerun if the driver was the cause of the red flag, stops for an out-of-place pylon struck on that run by the driver, or the driver had a DNF condition prior to the rerun condition.

If a vehicle has a re-run, a minimum of five (5) minutes between timed runs will be enforced (Solo Rule Book). This will not preclude other drivers continuing with runs. For circumstances where less than 5 minutes does not offer an unfair competitive advantage to the driver, the Event Chair may offer and driver may elect to waive the 5 minute minimum requirement.
A downed pylon or an upright pylon displaced outside its box is a two-second +penalty.  Any of the following will result in a "Did Not Finish" (DNF):

     - A missed gate or taking out any cone after crossing the finish line
    - Two or more wheels off the concrete pad simultaneously 
    - Driving on the wrong side of a directional slalom cone  
    - Bypassing a course component, e.g., Chicago Box or a Stop Box

     - Driving an extra loop or adding additional gates out of sequence to the course is "Off Course" and results in a DNF.

Directional cones and information cones (pointers) do not count as a penalty if run over or knocked outside their chalked outline.  Chalked, upright cones on course including the starting gate cones count as penalties if hit during a run.  Upright cones after the finish beam may or may not be chalked, but will result in a DNF if knocked over.  When in doubt, check to see if the cone is chalked when you walk the course!

Finish Safety
All drivers must be under control after passing the finish beams.  Any pylons struck after the finish beams will result in an automatic DNF.  

The sound limit for ODR-SCCA events is 100dBA.

Event Cancellation/Postponement
If an event must be canceled before all heats have completed all competition runs, only the number of timed competition runs available to be taken by all competitors will count towards official event results. This may be waived by unanimous consent of impacted drivers unable to complete their competition runs. Note: this may in some instances result in different number of runs counting for Open, Ladies, and Novice.

Tire Exclusion List
SCCA has placed Vitour Tempesta P1 and XComp H/P on the exclusion list for SCCA National Solo events as of the start of the 2024 season. For the same reasons SCCA does not feel it is in the best interests of members for National Solo, ODR-SCCA will not be permitting either of these tires for regional competition in 200TW tire classes.

However, ODR-SCCA is provisionally permitting Vitour Temesta P1 tires for regional competition in r-comp classes (Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified). We feel this is appropriate given the tire's reported performance potential as being faster than other 200TW tires but slower than a Hoosier A7, as it will give competitors that have already purchased them an opportunity to use them without creating an incentive for other competitors to purchase a questionable tire that is presently excluded from National Solo competition.

Download the full SCCA Official Rule Book

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Please join us for Club Meetings.  Be on the lookout for an email or Facebook post for event details 



© 2023 Old Dominion Region of the SCCA.  Go Fast And Enjoy The Thrill!

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