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COVID-19 Supplementary Event Regulations


Effective Oct 25, 2020



    1. The following requirements are firm and non-negotiable.  Failure to adhere will result in ejection from the site.

    2. Competitors experiencing COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath are not permitted entry.  Full refunds will be provided to anyone unable to attend due to medical symptoms.

    3. Only experienced competitors that have pre-registered and pre-paid may enter the site. No spectators, crew, or walk-up registrants are permitted.  First-event novices are not permitted for this event.

    4. Cost of entry will be $30 for SCCA members and $40 for weekend members.  Weekend members must bring completed entry forms.

    5. Wristbands will not be provided.  All competitors must stop at entry and sign the waiver before being permitted to proceed to paddock.  Pens will be provided for each competitors and will not be re-used.

    6. All competitors must provide a helmet.  Loaner helmets may be reserved in advance for the event on a first-come/first-served basis, and cannot be shared.  Email  if a loaner helmet is required.

    7. Competitors must provide numbers.  Tech tape will not be provided.

    8. All entrants are required to maintain a minimum 6’ social distancing while on site.  Exception: household members.

    9. All entrants are required to use face covering at all times while on-site. 

      1. Exception 1: Face covering may be removed briefly while eating or drinking.

      1. Exception 2: Face covering is not required while inside car.

      2. Exception 3: Competitors wearing a helmet may perform servicing between runs, but may not leave the vicinity of their car without face covering.

      3. Exception 4: Courseworkers will not be required to wear face covering while active working and social distanced from other course workers.

    1. All competitors must carry hand sanitizer.  Hand sanitizer will be provided if competitors do not have. 

    2. Competitors must park with sufficient paddock spacing to maintain social distancing.

    3. Passengers are not permitted, with the exception of household members.

    4. ODR-SCCA reserves the right to modify these regulations for safety as required.


  1. TECH

    1. Driver will tech inspect own car with tech chief as observer.



    1. All frequently touched surfaces will be frequently disinfected including the portable restroom handle and seat, flags, and radios.  At a minimum, cleanings will occur between heats.

    2. All competitors will use hand sanitizer after touching potentially contaminated surfaces.

    3. Heats will be limited to 10-17 drivers to maintain social distancing in grid.

    4. Dual drivers must drive different heats.  This is necessary to accommodate minimum cooldown for smaller heats.  This also permits the vehicle to be disinfected between drivers.

    5. Vending is presently prohibited by Virginia Executive Order and will not be provided.  All competitors must bring their own food and beverages. 

    6. Worker stations will operate on a modified basis:

      1. Have each worker assigned specific cones.

      2. Gloves will be provided for courseworkers: note that gloves are a mitigation measure, and courseworkers must still take care not to cross-confaminate.

      3. One car on course at a time to minimize red flags

      4. Vests will not be used.  Competitors are recommended to wear bright shirts and avoid red.

      5. Cone calls will be made via hand signals: “safe” for no cones, one hand in the air for a cone, and an X for off-course.  Corner captains will be required to stand beside red flags and radios, but will not use them unless necessary.

      6. Course workers are encouraged to use gloves while courseworking, and to frequently hand sanitize.

    7. This event is a provisional event, and will count as a championship event if results fit into a full season championship and all competitors are able to attend, otherwise it will be considered a one-off event.

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Please join us for Club Meetings.  Be on the lookout for an email or Facebook post for event details 



© 2023 Old Dominion Region of the SCCA.  Go Fast And Enjoy The Thrill!

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